
My workflow in Lightroom

I started playing with photography a few months ago. I have soon realized that I needed a good tool to organize my photo archive, which was growing larger and larger. I have started using Adobe Lightroom and I find it an essential tool for managing my archive in all phases of the photography workflow, from importing to […]


Fallacie Logiche

Le fallacie logiche sono errori nella formulazione di un ragionamento che rendono le argomentazioni non valide dal punto di vista logico: sono le frasi che impediscono a una discussione di progredire logicamente, e che di fatto rendono la conversazione inutile. Sono spesso nascoste, e talvolta sono utilizzate di proposito, con l’intento di ingannare chi ascolta […]


Home-made rebinding

Here I’m manually rebinding two old books. Both books need a new cover and one of them needs a resew. I built a book binding frame using a chair. There I sewed all the signatures and the flyleaves. Then I glued decorations, a bookmark ribbon and a gauze to the spine. Finally I created two hardcovers, decorated with fabric and book binding cloth, and glued them to the flyleaves.